2803 Forest Park

$XXXX total/$XXXX per bedroom

Walk Time To Campus: 8 mins

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet mi non odio euismod efficitur nec ac ligula. Curabitur bibendum, mi ac fringilla condimentum, neque lectus gravida nisi, vel dapibus magna odio ut dolor. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia nisl vel sem aliquet, eget commodo orci ornare. Integer tempus metus risus, ut convallis est sollicitudin ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec quis augue vel leo consectetur finibus. Etiam laoreet semper lorem ac pretium. Suspendisse condimentum faucibus rutrum. Phasellus faucibus turpis vitae libero pretium, nec accumsan ipsum ornare. Maecenas eu rhoncus justo, id eleifend lorem. Sed sem nisl, tempus vulputate feugiat et, iaculis in ipsum.

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  • 5 private bedrooms with bathrooms
  • 3 story complex
  • Ring Doorbell
  • Main floor has powder bath, kitchen, living area and sliding glass doors leading to balcony
  • Each bedroom has a lock with personalized code
  • Washer and dryer on the first AND third floors
  • Onsite, well lit, striped parking
  • The house is wired with a security system.
  • Will have to be set up by renters
  • NO pets allowed


  • Each bedroom has a lock with private code
  • Onsite, striped, fenced, well lit, private parking
  • 1 parking space per bedroom
  • The house will be wired with a security system.
    Monitoring to be set up by Tenants